Matt and Teller of Penn and Teller were separated at birth. Or they are the same person. You know how things go with that whole magic thing.
Also, if you know Matt, watch some clips from Bullshit! on YouTube. It’s eerie.
Matt and Teller of Penn and Teller were separated at birth. Or they are the same person. You know how things go with that whole magic thing.
Also, if you know Matt, watch some clips from Bullshit! on YouTube. It’s eerie.
Puzzling evidence, at best. Maybe I should have looked for a Teller wig? I don’t know that I want to trim the ‘fro down that far…
However. Silent and enigmatic I can do. And Bullshit! is a fantastic show.
*cracks the fuck up*
Ha! You can see my Permanent Spider Bite really well in that photo.
Does this support or contradict your theory?
Clearly supports.