Stars was a.m.a.z.i.n.g. Sorry if you got a phone call too late at night, but I couldn’t keep it to myself.
Becky, Petra’s friend that we stayed with, is super nice. The party that we came “home” to last night was… interesting. Reminded us of high school like whoa. Petra and I even had our own little corner for awhile.
Insurance can suck my cock. Yes, I’ve gotten one just for this occassion.
I have no idea how to handle life right now.
Everything that should be simple is complicated, and the things that I’m so used to having problems with are working out smoothly.
Highly enjoyed my mini concert experience! Couldn’t get the smile off my face for about two hours…
i hope it was a good time. i wish i could’ve shared it with you.
Life is lame. Fuck it…with your insurance penis. Uh. *makes humping gestures*
Thanks for the phone call. I saved the message.
hey, just pleased to see you in the City. glad your time was enjoyable.
what? oh, yes. I appear to have an LJ now. someone told me all the cool kids were doing it.