I’ve been on a total x-ray image kick.
And the one that’s going behind my fishtank tonight:
I do hope the gentleman that’s copyrighted it will forgive me
Apartment is basically done, except for a few details. Housewarming on the 30th. Please do let me know if you’d like to attend.
Awesome, love the gun.
Guns have a surprising number of springs in them. Makes them seem more… toy-like
Damn! That is a popular day! I have my friend’s going away party that night (she’s moving to NYC–boo!! hee hee)
aw, well, hope you can still stop by!
If I didn’t have the geekling that night, I would!
is good. sometime soon, I hope!
If you ever want something X-Rayed, just send it my way!
Yeah, no problem. If it’s small (a few centimeters in size), I can do it myself on a CT scanner.
For example, here is my iPod Shuffle.
If it’s big, I can have one of my friends do it with a full sized X-Ray.
I don’t know that I will be able to make it; but I’m going to try. As long as that’s cool with you :p
That would be rad! And you obviously would have a place to stay!
Excellent, thanks
I’ll let you know for sure probably next Wednesday.
What’s the word Jelly Bean?
I’ll be there! If you posted the address and time and such I missed it. Email me the details? dragoncoral_42 at yahoo dot com