The first two toes on each foot are bruised under the nails.
The middle toe of my left foot is bleeding.
There are at least 3 blisters on each foot.
My ankle tendons pop with each step.
I apparently smoked at least 2.5 thousand cloves last night.
This is all, of course, amazingly good.
Turn out was awesome. People are gorgeous. The Belly Dancing was awesome.
Happy Birthday Adam, and thanks to all the people that helped out in this.
I would link to you all, but I do have a bit of a hangover so it’s just not going to work. You’re in my thoughts. And maybe a later post. But love, yes?
Let’s do it again sometime, yeah?
Why do my arms hurt?
Yes please.
Hurt me again!
Re: Why do my arms hurt?
Yeah, bitch. My hipbones are feelin’ it. It’s a good thing I don’t have The Button.
Let’s definitely talk about doing this again! Like whoa!
Thank you.
Hip bones? What were you doing last night? Crumping? Fucking clown.
Don’t you play innocent, Mr. “Hip Bones?”
Of course.
Don’t you mention The Button online. You want me killed?
Edison has The Button, in the Future. Edison Hate Future.
Yessss…. Hangover… Fun… Hate fact that have to go to work…
Thank you. Lots.
My pleasure.
Again again!
It’s the day after and I’m not hurting at all… HURT ME!
You obviously didn’t drink and dance enough then!
I guess we’ll just have to try this again, so you can get it right, huh?
Definitely. Though maybe on a weekend so I don’t have to leave so early?
I’ll do my best!
I’m all about doing it again, but my muscles and feet need to recover first.
How long will that take?
*attempts to tap foot*
Ha. You should see the bruises on my knee (I slipped and took a fall at one point in the evening!).
I say give it at least a week, so that the bruises can progress through some interesting colors.
I had so much fun.
Thank you!!!!
p.s. you are teh hawtness on the dancefloor.
It was so good to have you there. Thank you thank you for coming.
You aren’t bad yourself.