Apologies in advance:
I didn’t realize just quite how intensive summer classes are.
And I’m taking 15 credit hours.
I will be doing all of my homework, and school is TOP priority over the summer.
I’ll still try to socialize with all the people I love, but I won’t be seeing the light of day much at all.
Saturday evenings will be hang out time. Get ahold of me if you want to hang out and I haven’t yet gotten ahold of you.
Shyyeah. I’m taking 7 credit hours. And teaching one class. And I already feel spread too thin.
So good luck! I know what you’re going through.
15 credit hour summer?
Oh man…I feel your pain. I’ll see you in the fall when you come up for air. =)
Oh no! Doom for willowpeople! My three-hour studio class is killing me, but I suppose I am a lazy bastard.
Are we still on for Tuesday? I’ll understand if you’re too swamped.
We most assuredly are!
Jeremy and I are all ready excited about searching out wine!
no apologizes needed.. I understand. hopefully i’ll see you this weekend.
nice running into you other day, even if I was slightly (as always) frenetic and scattered at the time. I’m in the hallowed confines of the davinci lab. And where are you? Damned you for not working the stc shift right now, I could stand the company
Good luck this semester. May we both survive. Call me whenever.