Our party was definately a good time. I’m not too sure how my work people meshed with my friends people, but there didn’t seem to be too much tension, so that’s ok. If anyone has pictures, please share! E-mail me.
Our move is getting here WAY too fast. I mean in two weeks. Nothing is packed. I’m starting to have dreams about it. Freaking out here.
I’m sorry we didn’t go out last night. By the time I got out of work, it was pretty pointless. We really missed everyone and please don’t hate us.
Angel said you all had an excellent time
It’s so odd-we were supposed to move there then didn’t and then you guys are-it’s pretty weird isn’t it? Were you all thinking of moving there all along or just decided it in the past months?
Re: Angel said you all had an excellent time
We decided 4 months ago I guess. Maybe 6. We knew it would happen in the next few years. I was supposed to get my bachelor’s here and then move back for my masters, but no one offers the classes I need around here.
I’m sorry I didn’t remember to check into the party on Friday, I really ment to. I failed… and should thusly be smelted.
I miss you kids.
consider this your smelting.
And consider my constantly growling tummy as an open invite to go to lunch sometime.
*is smelted*
Thanks, this one needed that. 🙂
This one might be coming home in two weeks, if you guys are still around. It will call the Corey-Unit’s cell phone and sprekinzy with you.
We must go to Fortune House one last time before you are gone.