Being in Virginia has rocked. I’m sad to leave tomorrow.
Sin City rocked my ASS.
The shirt exchange and drinking for the first time in five months (besides a glass of wine) was… entertaining.
It’s good to see everyone again.
We’ll be at the club tonight… come and get it.
you didn’t call me to go to dinner
and i couldn’t go to the club because i had school today
i miss you guys already
I’m so sorry!
We ended up not going to the Bier Garden… so yeah.
We’re here until 6:30 today. I think I will call you.
Miss you too. It was so good to see you.
sin city did rock. happy to here your doing well.
willow is hot sex! errr… i mean, yay! i’ll be like 45 minutes closer to you guys soon… heh heh. five dollar sucky sucky, ten dollar me love you long time!
where you moving to? or you just visiting?
movin to lafayette. woot! logansport is eating my soul…