Libby cut and dyed my hair two nights ago.
I now look like this:
The top is this:
And a silly one for posterity’s sake…
Let me know what you think.
Libby cut and dyed my hair two nights ago.
I now look like this:
The top is this:
And a silly one for posterity’s sake…
Let me know what you think.
Sassy! I like it a lot.
Thank you!
We must do tofu again soon.
you can see your freckles!
it looks wonderful.
Thank you, sir.
I like!
I’m glad.
I must come see this puppy soon!
Very cute!
It compliments your eyes very well.
Thank you, sir.
You look fantastic!
I rather enjoy your icon.
Well thank you. Your is incredibly amusing as well!
’tis cute.
Holy hell.
You look beautiful.
You make me blush. Thank you.
Can’t wait for you to be home.
This is the best I’ve ever seen you look. It’s beautiful. look how bright it makes your eyes look!
Thank you ma’am. I’m slowly learning how to do make-up and hair in an everyday sort of way, and not a OMG LET’S GO TO THE CLUB sort of way.
has anyone seen my keys?
I shall use it and call it skippy.
and skippy it shall be named!
makes me wanna chew on your head.
and that is a good thing.
well, not for you i guess.
i’ll chew gently.
that can all be translated to “you look fabulous”
it makes me want to chop all of my hair off again even though i just grew it back from having a mohawk.
i miss my mohawk
You can chew on my head any day you want, hot mama.
oh my god.
you look AMAZING.
Thank you, lady!
I KNEW IT !!!!
the hot ass necklace gave it away in a previous post…
I think I actually commented on that;)
love it but am jealous I didn’t get to ‘do it for ya;)
You can mess with it next time we’re around each other, if you’d like.
And thank you.
i’m a bit behind so here goes…
LOVE the necklace your mom made…*drools* You know how I like it!
The hair is my fav. blue and shockingly short (aren’t you cold?) but damn hot! So you and me did the big chopperino! Woo!
All in all, I likey.
Re: otay…
I’d be cold, but so many people flock about me adoringly that they keep me warm.
Only not really.
I need your address.
Very nice!
Holy shit! I love it
You are so fucking beautiful Willow. -hugs-
Merry doOm to you ^_^
Hope your Imminent-Doom-Day was good (because we all know the end of that story, huh?)..
I actually had a wonderful christmas
How bout j00?
very cute
It looks REALLY good. [/10points]
does this mean I can level up now?
I like it. It makes me want to rub your head.
Yay head-rubbing!
teh h0t
Yay! Everything works!
The color works, the cut works, the makeup works, the outfit works, the green wall works, and my camera works. Hooray!
You’re a sexy one, you. Glad to have you around to bring bloo-beauty into my home, and to have someone to experiment on.
Re: teh h0t
experimenting now, are we?
Heart you too, Red.
Hotness!!!! I’m thinking about getting mine chopped…I did earlier in the year and now it’s back down to my shoulders. I love short hair. It’s so much easier and, frankly, damn sexy!
I know… it’s awesome! I get in the shower, and it’s clean! I get out and 20 seconds later, it’s dry! A little product and a rub, and it’s done! It’s effing awesome!
you are cute like woah. can’t wait to see it in person!!
merry newyear.
(yourself as well)
Fabulous! I love the cut and color!
Thank you!
I love it, Willow!
this should turn a certain Mr. Ellis into a pile of quivering jell-o. damn, if he thought your knees were hot wait until he gets a load of these photos!