I’ve been feeling a bit over-whelmed of late (or did you all ready know that?)
So yesterday, Madison came to town. And it was laid back and wonderful.
And I saw good people.
And then I retreated, at the end of the night, to a super-hot bath with a book, some music, and a glass of 2000 Chateu Canon de Brem French Bordeaux. It was nice. I should do that more often.
I insist on taking this week easy. I am not going to concentrate on anything but these, in this order.
.1. School
.2. myself (gasp?!)
.3. Friends
.4. Axis
I don’t think I’ll make any plans. If I feel like going out and seeing people, I will call said People.
And now, a picture or two.
picture a la the lovely Jarrett
Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot…….
yeah… really hot!
wine in the tub is soooooooooo good. yum. I wish for that option right now, but no. *sigh*
and yes like I said teh hawtness of the dancefloor.
wanna fuck?
THE MAN PULLED HIS ARM OFF AND HE”S GOING TO BEAT YOU WITH PART OF THE CROSS!!! OH SNAP! it’s all over now. you better duck ‘n’ cover bitches
cause jesus has got your ass. mmm hmm.
oh what’d you say? oh you didn’t THINK the second coming was gonna be like THIS? well you THOUGHT WRONG with your punk ass. your going DOWN!!
what’s that? oh damn that’s his hand?! jesus is bitch slapping you with the stigmata!
and then he’s gonna eat your brains.
So if Jesus died for our sins, does his coming back from the dead negate this?
uh oh
oh shit.
The Pope: “Uh… guys… Sorry about this, but it seems there’s a bit of a glitch…”
It’s been super awesome to see you lately.
icon is awesome!
yeah it has been. i really like hanging out.
not work safe
You did see that vile thing on dead_babies , right, with the alien?
uh oh. yeah it does