

Bowling at 8p, Suburban Lanes, Wednesday.

Also, Mac Make-up is hot.

Annndd… Lord of the Yum Yum is at the DWL March 27th. Be there or be considered sucky.

(he’ll actually be at the complex “club house”, but it’s only a couple few yards away)

8 thoughts on “snippits

  1. You know me and MAC go waaaaay back. I love it so, so very mucho. 😉 Especially when I get to dj at their store and they give me free stuff. MAC WHORE I am. 😀
    Doing better, still need to email you.

  2. I, unfortunately, will be unable to make it tomorrow.

    I’m paying my fines in the next couple of days, which means I have $4 to last me until next weekend, when I will receive a check that all goes towards paying my bills.

    So, yeah. Just FYI.

  3. wasn’t there to be Bowling tonight?
    I dropped into the Surburban Lanes about 8:30 and no Libby/Willow etc. that i could see! looked about a bit…were you in the bar???

    • I suck.

      Therefore, I need your number for the following two reasons:

      1. In case I ever suck again
      2. To make up for this suckage.

      willow dot brugh at gmail dot com


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