Spider Mike just made my week. Again.
We have a new oddity at the DWL.
Yes, that’s a taxidermied armadillo.
It needs a name (and some duct tape). Help me out.
Spider Mike just made my week. Again.
We have a new oddity at the DWL.
Yes, that’s a taxidermied armadillo.
It needs a name (and some duct tape). Help me out.
I have no idea why, but my vote is for Harvey. Harvey Wallbanger.
My life just got even better. Oh wow. Buddy the Torso has a new friend!
I vote for either Ringo or Filbert.
I vote for a pun. Something like “Trouble” so you can be upstairs, exclaim suddenly, “There’s trouble in the kitchen!” race downstairs and see who you can get to follow you in shock and alarm.
Technically, I don’t think that’s a pun; still, you get the idea.
Just In Case.
He’s the emergency armadillo + duct tape for those times that you really, really need an armadillo and duct tape… 😉
This is going to join that fur wrap thing in the list of Objects I Cannot Be Around at the DWL.
Still, oddities are nice.
You mean Pete-ah?
Look! We’re all friends!

(omg, I need school to start so I don’t have so much free time)
See you in a couple hours.
Fitzwilliam Darcy
And he needs headlights. Maybe a large-caliber cannon too.
It looks like a… like a Bertie.
that’s a dilly of a dillo. don’t dally on a name or you’ll end up with something like ‘dilly-dally’ or ‘ahnald.’
That’s awesome.
Once again, Mr. Spider Mike carries the day.
Edgar. Or Bertie.
You should name it
so you could say “This is D’oh the armidillo…”
and see if you can say it without flubbing up and saying dildo (ROFL). Yes I HAVE had too much sugar today!
Eric. (It’s my standard).
I would also say Wilhelm, but the joke’s not that funny. Dentarthurdent?
Who says it’s a boy, anyway? Tank Girl’s birth name was Rebecca, IIRC…
Archimedes or Velma.
I still haven’t replied to your reply from the other day; sorry.
I like harvey wallbanger. Second that.
And, can I have a neighbor like y’all’s? Our neighbors, for the most part, are stupid cunts/mofos who like drinking, listening to loud crummy music, and setting off fireworks/having loud drunken domestic disputes at 4am.
I’d switch that anyday for a guy who’d drop off an armadillo and a crucifix.
So jealous!
Trevor? Alastair? Imogene?