After starting on the coat, I got to thinking..
I have this h00ge SCUD t-shirt that I never wear because as much as I love SCUD, it’s bright yellow and h00ge. Would I dare to hack up a rare item?
You bet your sweet toes I would.
But only in order to attach the important parts to a hoodie.
It was here in the process that I realized I had a distinct craving for fried chicken, mere blocks away. But if you know anything about manic people and their craft binges, you know that this was not an option. We continued on! I would wear my newly customized hoodie on my trek to crunchy, juicy chicken, or I would not go at all.
Also, please note my awesome stitches-per-inch. And that’s hand-done. I can’t find my sewing machine: seems to be the only major loss to all the moving about. I can live with it, but need to find another one.
Newly altered hoodie donned, I trekked out to gain chicken from the drunkard-laden streets.
And then I heard them breaking bottles and yelling, so I stayed in and ate ramen.
Leaving for NYC this Saturday. That’s pretty awesome. Mini vacation from work. HOORAY! And getting lost and seeing friends and stuff. Yes. Suggestions of things to hit up?
You’re a fellow Rob Schrab fan? Awesome!
Are you familiar with “Ringwald & Molly” as well?
No, though I do have Drywall and Oswald Show as well as Drywall Unzipped!
R&M is sort of stop-motion animation (without the stopping) drawn with black marker on cardboard and paper. It is a tale of a well-to-do alligator and his faithful (but common) spider manservant.
I also highly recommend “Twigger’s Holiday” for zany goodness.
Go to to check em out.
La Cosa Nostroid Forever!
That is quite full of awesome. It reminds me that I have a jacket in need of crafty modification laying around somewhere.
Note: Did you know that the Scud video game for the Saturn platform is one of the only games in history to support a dual gun single player mode for spaghetti western style shoot-em-up action?
Yes! I wish they would re-release it!
Heh, this is why I still have my copy, and a Saturn, and a couple of light guns.
Your new cloth-mod is full of win!
How long are you going to be in New York?
Couple few days. Saturday late to late-ish Wednesday.
This. This makes me so damn happy.
Yay! I am glad to be making things again.
So, where are you located now?
C Hill, Just up from the pizza place with the obnoxious sign. You know the one I’m talking about. How are your digs?
I think that I know the one that you mean. That puts you only a few blocks away from me now, right?
My place is doing pretty well. It is no longer the massive social gathering that it once was, but that’s not a bad thing. We should definitely hang out more often.
I have never had the guts to cut up a t-shirt I like into patches, even if it makes it better in the end. And hearts to SCUD forever.
i heart you
and cutting up old tshirts is the win. oh yes.
i hear you captured yourself a pretty nifty hand crafted tie bag recently.
fyi, if it breaks. let me know, they have ‘life time warranties’ cause i want everyone to be happy with the stuff i make, no matter who they go to.
i’m committed to my peoples, yo.
and i miss you.
<3 j.pants
I’ve got a sewing machine I hardly ever use. I’ll sell it super cheap if you’re interested.
Sweet! E-mail me about it at
Sweet! E-mail me about it at
Sweet! E-mail me about it at
Sweet! E-mail me about it at
Sweet! E-mail me about it at
Sweet! E-mail me about it at
Sweet! E-mail me about it at
Sweet! E-mail me about it at
Sweet! E-mail me about it at
Sweet! E-mail me about it at
I’ve got a sewing machine I hardly ever use. I’ll sell it super cheap if you’re interested.
I’ve got a sewing machine I hardly ever use. I’ll sell it super cheap if you’re interested.
I’ve got a sewing machine I hardly ever use. I’ll sell it super cheap if you’re interested.
I’ve got a sewing machine I hardly ever use. I’ll sell it super cheap if you’re interested.
I’ve got a sewing machine I hardly ever use. I’ll sell it super cheap if you’re interested.
I’ve got a sewing machine I hardly ever use. I’ll sell it super cheap if you’re interested.
I’ve got a sewing machine I hardly ever use. I’ll sell it super cheap if you’re interested.
I’ve got a sewing machine I hardly ever use. I’ll sell it super cheap if you’re interested.
Niiiice work!
If yer a sucker for really good coffee in cozy spots, The Mercury Dime on 5th St. between 2nd and 3rd Aves. is a good place to waste a few hours. It’s mostly staffed by foodies, so it’s become my resource for finding out where to eat in Manhattan.
(Also, Wednesday night is Scrabble night, yess)
Studio B in Brooklyn is staffed by assholes, but they’re putting on some awesome shows real soon:
Also tons of other stuff is going on that I don’t know about at all
Niiiice work!
If yer a sucker for really good coffee in cozy spots, The Mercury Dime on 5th St. between 2nd and 3rd Aves. is a good place to waste a few hours. It’s mostly staffed by foodies, so it’s become my resource for finding out where to eat in Manhattan.
(Also, Wednesday night is Scrabble night, yess)
Studio B in Brooklyn is staffed by assholes, but they’re putting on some awesome shows real soon:
Also tons of other stuff is going on that I don’t know about at all
Niiiice work!
If yer a sucker for really good coffee in cozy spots, The Mercury Dime on 5th St. between 2nd and 3rd Aves. is a good place to waste a few hours. It’s mostly staffed by foodies, so it’s become my resource for finding out where to eat in Manhattan.
(Also, Wednesday night is Scrabble night, yess)
Studio B in Brooklyn is staffed by assholes, but they’re putting on some awesome shows real soon:
Also tons of other stuff is going on that I don’t know about at all
Niiiice work!
If yer a sucker for really good coffee in cozy spots, The Mercury Dime on 5th St. between 2nd and 3rd Aves. is a good place to waste a few hours. It’s mostly staffed by foodies, so it’s become my resource for finding out where to eat in Manhattan.
(Also, Wednesday night is Scrabble night, yess)
Studio B in Brooklyn is staffed by assholes, but they’re putting on some awesome shows real soon:
Also tons of other stuff is going on that I don’t know about at all
Niiiice work!
If yer a sucker for really good coffee in cozy spots, The Mercury Dime on 5th St. between 2nd and 3rd Aves. is a good place to waste a few hours. It’s mostly staffed by foodies, so it’s become my resource for finding out where to eat in Manhattan.
(Also, Wednesday night is Scrabble night, yess)
Studio B in Brooklyn is staffed by assholes, but they’re putting on some awesome shows real soon:
Also tons of other stuff is going on that I don’t know about at all
Niiiice work!
If yer a sucker for really good coffee in cozy spots, The Mercury Dime on 5th St. between 2nd and 3rd Aves. is a good place to waste a few hours. It’s mostly staffed by foodies, so it’s become my resource for finding out where to eat in Manhattan.
(Also, Wednesday night is Scrabble night, yess)
Studio B in Brooklyn is staffed by assholes, but they’re putting on some awesome shows real soon:
Also tons of other stuff is going on that I don’t know about at all
Niiiice work!
If yer a sucker for really good coffee in cozy spots, The Mercury Dime on 5th St. between 2nd and 3rd Aves. is a good place to waste a few hours. It’s mostly staffed by foodies, so it’s become my resource for finding out where to eat in Manhattan.
(Also, Wednesday night is Scrabble night, yess)
Studio B in Brooklyn is staffed by assholes, but they’re putting on some awesome shows real soon:
Also tons of other stuff is going on that I don’t know about at all
Niiiice work!
If yer a sucker for really good coffee in cozy spots, The Mercury Dime on 5th St. between 2nd and 3rd Aves. is a good place to waste a few hours. It’s mostly staffed by foodies, so it’s become my resource for finding out where to eat in Manhattan.
(Also, Wednesday night is Scrabble night, yess)
Studio B in Brooklyn is staffed by assholes, but they’re putting on some awesome shows real soon:
Also tons of other stuff is going on that I don’t know about at all
Niiiice work!
If yer a sucker for really good coffee in cozy spots, The Mercury Dime on 5th St. between 2nd and 3rd Aves. is a good place to waste a few hours. It’s mostly staffed by foodies, so it’s become my resource for finding out where to eat in Manhattan.
(Also, Wednesday night is Scrabble night, yess)
Studio B in Brooklyn is staffed by assholes, but they’re putting on some awesome shows real soon:
Also tons of other stuff is going on that I don’t know about at all
Niiiice work!
If yer a sucker for really good coffee in cozy spots, The Mercury Dime on 5th St. between 2nd and 3rd Aves. is a good place to waste a few hours. It’s mostly staffed by foodies, so it’s become my resource for finding out where to eat in Manhattan.
(Also, Wednesday night is Scrabble night, yess)
Studio B in Brooklyn is staffed by assholes, but they’re putting on some awesome shows real soon:
Also tons of other stuff is going on that I don’t know about at all
Niiiice work!
If yer a sucker for really good coffee in cozy spots, The Mercury Dime on 5th St. between 2nd and 3rd Aves. is a good place to waste a few hours. It’s mostly staffed by foodies, so it’s become my resource for finding out where to eat in Manhattan.
(Also, Wednesday night is Scrabble night, yess)
Studio B in Brooklyn is staffed by assholes, but they’re putting on some awesome shows real soon:
Also tons of other stuff is going on that I don’t know about at all