
Libby posted about this past Axis being her last. It’s the end of an era. Red and Blue in Bloomington is at an end. I’m so glad she pushed through until her own departure, and that the night will still exist under a different name and different management. I am filled with nostalgia and pride over what she and I (and you all) created. After having traversed the country, stopping at clubs along the way, it’s true what all the visiting performers had to say: Axis was the best. If you were looking to dance, for new music or old favorites (without the overplay or pretension), for friendly people, for interesting performances… Axis was it. I have yet to find another night like it.

Thank you all, with special thanks to Libby, for helping to create something that has been humbling, gratifying, and pride-inducing all in one go. I’m going to hide in my back office now and look through old photos.

little boxes of life

I’m not sure if I should be amused or appalled that my first set of boxes has already been filled with comics and books. Certainly shows where my values lie… Everything else can be tossed. Even a few books. And I think about how many books I gave up while in VA. least my Tetris skills are coming in handy.

And now, a note on Axis:
Axis has been one of the best things of my life. One of my favorite things to go to as well as one of the things I actually allow myself pride. Creating this event with Libby has helped to solidify the community in Bloomington (and surrounding areas) that really just needed a focal point. An Axis, if you will. Which is not to say that Axis isn’t as kick-ass-amazing-epic as it is.

Why am I getting so sentimental on you, you ask? Well, I’m moving to Seattle. I start driving January 17th.

And while Axis will continue under new guidance (Adam, your resident DJ; and Matt, your favorite Math Geek; with Libby in the wings), it will certainly change. What matters is that all you amazing people – the people that make up the community we helped give a name to – keep it alive. Keep dancing. Keep talking to each other. Keep sharing music and meeting new people and dropping quarters.

All this said, I’m pleased at what my last Axis will be. January 1st we will have the Ghosts Project back from Atlanta (you remember them, the violin/drums/bass amazing music that we waltzed to at the Steampunk Axis), and Nathan of Abney Park is also returning to play with them. Dark Side Tribal will shake those amazing hips for you again. And – here’s the kicker – it’s a black-tie event. Take that as you will. We’ll provide some snacky-treats, good tunes, and the dance floor.

Come celebrate the times you’ve had at Red and bl00 Axis, and get geared up for the new times you all will create. Give me a hug. And dance. Always.


sometimes I wonder how scared I would get at the world if I ever put my head up, looked around. But then I realize I already do that sometimes, and it always ends up ok. Katamari was right : “The Earth really is full of things.”
..take that as you will


12/3 – Thrill Kill in Louisville
12/7 – V
12/8 – Hafla
12/9 – Axis Craft/Game Night (Spoon, 7p)
12/12-12/17 – Seattle (wedding on the 14th)
12/20 –
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12/23-12/28 (tentatively) – Logansport
1/1 – Black tie Axis (my last one. be there.)
1/11 – Going away party
1/17 – start driving

We need another H+ meeting as well, somewhere in there. And game night ever Saturday.

Get your time while you can.

the weekend

So tonight I’m spending with friends.
Tomorrow (Friday) is the Transhumanist meeting at the Spoon
Saturday is Preston’s dinner party at 5 at Trulli (all are welcome) and games at Spoon at 8
Sunday night is Axis meeting. Whee!

Actually got some sleep last night. That’s exciting and new.
You give up a whole third of your day to sleep. A THIRD


Driving up to Mutiny last night, at 75mph on an empty road with the stars clear overhead and the windows letting in the brisk autumn air, I turned to Matt and said, “I can’t wait for a time when I won’t need obvious mechanisms to go this fast.”

I’ve always somehow equated speed with freedom.

Speed means getting things done. Speed means escape. Both things are essential to freedom (at least to me) : covering my responsibilities with the ability to not, if I don’t want to be doing them.

Because here’s the thing. I don’t do anything I don’t want to do*. I go to class because I love being in class. I work because I love to work. I see people because I love interactions and what I get from those people and what I can give to them. And so on.

Do you ever have those moments, when you’re doing something, when you realize that’s where you want to be? I mean, maybe something as cool as realizing how kick-ass Axis is, and that I helped make that happen, and that I wouldn’t be anywhere else right then. Maybe it’s just doing the dishes, or sitting on the porch with Libby, shooting the shit. And you suddenly realize how awesome life is. (Nathan, you know what I’m talking about). If there is NO chance of me doing that while I’m fulfilling a task, I probably won’t do it.**

On a somewhat related note, last night Mutiny was PACKED. To the point of discomfort for Matt and myself. So while we waited for Petra and Chris to finish shaking their booties, we went upstairs to the restaurant/bar and drew on the tables. Venn Diagrams. Intersections of [You’re Doing it Wrong], [Win], and [Club Nights] was my favorite.

The Tarot reading was right. Time of upheaval indeed. Moves are odd things.

H+ meeting on the 9th. And also a meeting for Axis sometime soon.

*with the rare exception of the potentiality of last Wednesday
**which is not to say I don’t keep obligations if it just doesn’t suit my fancy. it’s complicated.