so here are pictures of the weekend.
I’m amazed that not even fellow iPod users make eye contact in this town.
I’m just trying to be friendly, you ass holes.
I like it when sidewalks are cut around trees.
I think I only missed one question on my test today.
only grandaddy would make me OK with this video…
Is it bad that I keep expecting all of the animals in that video to have furry sex?
no… damn furries.
but since it’s grandaddy it’s ok
The pictures of you and Corey are so awesome, I miss you guyses!
And, before I forget, tell Corey that I will be mailing the bracelets out to you guys as soon as I get them in the mail.
Love the video. ;P
dont smile at people with the same toys as you because they view you as a threat. you make them less special by having the same things. scoff at them. YOU had an ipod first. theyre just trendy poopoo dilly heads. Even if they had one first you thought of getting one first and washington was the first president although it shouldve been Libby because they have Juicy Juice which is one hundred percent juice although not always the juice it claims to be because apple juice is cheap so it’s the main juice thats why most of the juicy juices taste the same and it’s monday which means it’s trash day and my feet are cold and they also get itchy when I stand still for a long time which is another reason I hate doing dishes besides floaties because although I know it’s the food I just ate it’s just gross when it’s all mushy and soggified. yep. thats a good comment.
Re: beep
but we totally DID have an iPod before anyone here.
and we paid for ours. So neh.