I just walked out of Ballentine to get a breath of fresh air.
And I swear to god, the following scenario happened.
Gentleman is walking in the same direction I am, almost directly in front of me, his back obviously to me. He is wearing a soccer jersy.
Guy coming towards him, wearing a valid Greek shirt does the upward nod thing and says “hey dude.”

Today is good, obviously
if the picture link doesn’t work, click here and scroll down to Soccer Practice
Damn It! No Quicktime Available!
Damn non-Mac users!
Watch it with a friend… it’s totally worth it.
I could always go hijack Garren’s computers for it… hmm. I must remember to do so when I check the mail.
That’s just wonderful!
Maybe we should watch that again tonight, after dinner.
Holy crap! That made my day.
…that is some powerful stuff
*tries not to shoot tea out her nose*
*makes her saving throw*
Remind me not to read your LJ while I’m drinking.
Hee hee!
I win!
that is the funny stuff!
: D
hey woman, i have since added you!
see you at Axis-