So today, in honor of Halloween, I am dressed up as a sorostitute. I don’t think anyone is getting the joke. But I have these overly obnoxious Ugg Boots on (ala Evy for my birthday) (think wookie), a white-washed jean skirt, and some flowery shirt on.

Cracks me up.
Zombie Prom was a success, but today I feel like a zombie. Coincidence? I think not!
wookie legs.
erh, that was out loud wasn’t it…?
you are officially my favourite blue haired cyborg.
Re: your sorostitute outfit. Might you take a picture? This is one of those “I’ll believe it when I see it” instances.
Re: your uggs. The scariest thing I’ve seen today.
I almost tried to see if anyone had Uggs I could borrow, so I could wear them with yoga pants, a zip-up hoodie, and dingy long top.
Who knew Jersey would provide the best Halloween costume?
Most people didn’t used to get a lot of my costumes either. No imaginations I guess. I like the boots very fuzzy and interesting.
In honor of cutting off his dreads, Curtis was a frat rat. No one got that, either. I think both of your costumes were pretty damn scary. Way scarier than zombies.
Those boots are FUGGLY.
You win scariest costume. Now, please tell me we can douse them in kerosene and watch the fur melt…?
heh. At least you don’t have to worry about running into anyone with the exact same costume. B^)