head-shavy goodness

Also, Libby gave my head a going-over.

Red was kind enough to cut, dye, and photograph my new ‘do.

More pictures here.

My room-mate rocks.

20 thoughts on “head-shavy goodness

  1. Dammit, why do you have to go and make me feel a little bolder about doing something drastic to my head-ular area. Unfortunately, endearing myself to potential employers is something of a priority, much as I’m tempted. 🙁

  2. for you.

    hip hip, to the new hair cut!
    holy crapola though, i just miss you like mad!
    mad mad mad!
    and, i like you friend.
    even more than that word expedia.

    oh oh, heres a quick poem before i go:

    a thousand years… it feels like…
    a million days or more,
    since i have got to see your face
    walk through my front door,

    a decade ago… it seems as if,
    its been 9 dog lives,
    but really its been only 1
    because my dog is still alive 🙂

    much love willow tree!

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