Ok, let’s go for 7:30 today for Spoonage.
If there is interest, we can also go to Grindhouse at 9 or 10 tonight. It’s the best movie ever. At least that strikes my fancy at the moment.
In other news, I have one diagram to do for my thesis and then I’m done. How weird is that? I actually feel like an honors student today… like I rock it.
yay for rockin’ the thesis!
enjoy tonight. alas i teach.
are you “dressing up” tonight?…
As best I can… which still involves a mohawk and boots.
But, I’m in a skirt and I’m wearing jewelry and make-up. Weird.
Crap, that’s what I was going to wear, too.
Alas I will be absent 🙁
Well I will have to give you a rain check. I am now just getting to bed and have to work tonight.
Happy Birthday Dinner to you!
Heard it’s your birthday…
Happy birthday,!
i’m eatin’ your brains and gainin’ yer knowledge.