This weekend was full.

Started on Thursday, when Libby, Nathan, and myself went to see Paul and Mel’s band Civita. Had good conversations with all those involved, plus the door guy and a few other individuals. Yay Seattle!
Friday after work I met with Bergen at Thingamajiggr. Basically a geek gathering, with DIY tutorials and speeches. Saw presentations on racing power tools, our inability to truly multitask, and saw Dan Savage talk about how bloggers ruined the really sweet gig of weekly writing (he also made the astute comment that “sex ed” is really reproductive biology and it’s the equivalent of teaching kids about an engine before handing them the keys and calling it driver’s ed). I had a blast.
Then I walked a bit until I could find a taxi and went to Heaven to see the same group from Thursday plus Kristen, whom I hadn’t seen in a bit. Dance dance dance (and they played “Sexual Eruption,” which just cracks me up).
Saturday went to Dayde’s (Bergen’s son) birthday to help set up a bit and socialize. Then hiked over to Gasworks for my first Parkour session.

And oh my god. So much fun. So sore. Still. But so good.

I was joined in my athletic endeavors by the lovely Kaleen, who then also joined Nathan, Libby, and myself for worm and fish shopping. I now am the proud keeper of two Jack Dempseys, an electric blue African chiclid, and an albino one. They are happily swimming around, picking at each other, awaiting names.
Saturday evening took Kaleen on a date at The Wild Ginger. It was fantastic, helped in no small part by being served by my own brother and being doted on by the staff. (and by doted on I mean teased and harassed).

Sunday filmed a short 1950’s style instructional video on how to write a passive aggressive letter with the hilarious Santos. I played Little Jimmy. Yes, that’s right. Little Jimmy. I’ll let you all know when it’s up.
Later I went to a smilecore/industrial/noise house show that rocked the fucking boots off my feet. Met TacoPunch from WhiteChapel, who is a very neat person and totally gets into his sets. There was also a man dressed as a bumble bee.

Today I arrived stupidly early at work so I might leave early to participate in a wine tasting and game night held by Seamus. My life rocks so much. Hooray!

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