This is quite a bit in advance, but everyone has so much going on in the upcoming weekends that I thought I would announce this now:
We will be shoving far too many people into our apartment one last time, to try this:
edit. stupidfuckingpicture wasn’t working. Now it should stay put

to eat food, and to drink wine.
Just like usual.
As everyone is so gracious to bring wine to these, and food, I propose a theme.
Although I won’t allow anyone to be subjected to Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter again, it would be awesome if any food and wine that is brought in could follow this theme. If not, that’s cool too. Make up a funny story of how Jesus blessed your pancakes or something.
I will make apple crisp and sushi if everyone is not sick of it yet.
Bring a friend, but please give me some sort of RSVP so I have a vague idea of what’s going on.
on a side note, best shirt I’ve seen in awhile:
i did not get the memo about this break up. what happened? (if you don’t want to tell me that is fine…if you don’t want to tell me in a public forum my email is
I e-mail-ah you!
“willow and corey broke up but dont be awkward around us”
lmfao this makes me laugh crazily for some reason.
i hope i can come to this. meanwhile, i’ll get out of school approx. 7 tonight. call me. love.
will do.
Whats wrong with Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter?
absolutely nothing, of course, but you’ll notice that the key word is “again.”
Last time we all ate sushi and drank wine, Corey put this gem into the xbox and the laughter and groans started. Lucky enough to have found it through
I will pencil you in. Hooray for Jesus wine.
I am offended!
: D
Allllllright! dayam!
I will be there…though probably between 8-9, as the gallery opening is that night and I promised to help Jaime out. And y’know – I’ll have work up and stuff.
How long does the show last? I’ll certainly make a big effort to come by and see your stuff!
It’ll be up from Nov 21st to sometime in January. I think the opening that night goes from 5:30 to 8:30.
Nobody ever tells me anything! I had to hear this from Amanda! This makes me more upset than the time Bambi’s mother got AIDS! I just hate to think of the two of you dividing up your collection of goggles…
We’re ok, really, Peek. Sorry you heard it from Amanda. -Topher was the only one out there that I informed, and that for certain reasons. Please don’t feel unimportant, because you are very important to both of us.
And the goggles aren’t the difficult part… it’s the comic books.
oh god the comic books.
I will pen you in!
…and perhaps carve it into my arm with a rusty steak knife, too!
mmm tetnis!
It’s like tetris, only better!
And hotter, obviously.
you should come!
um, SURE!
Oh! Funny!
I hope that this parting is what both of you want and that it isn’t too painful for either of you. I would totally drive out for the party, but alas, finals have a way of ruining things like this … but I’ll send you a religiously innapropriate Christmas card.
Re: aw
yay! you’re awesome!
it’s your party…or the godard film fest. (deep pondering)
*sad face*… i kind of feel like i jinx people… i miss you guys lots. and i hope things continue to be “okay” and whatnot. though i must say that i definitely didn’t think that would ever happen to you two. *sigh*