Dear People Who have Apparently Never seen Snow:

First let me say thank you for finally switching out of flip flops into boots. They may be Ug Boots, but at least I don’t have to look at smell your feet anymore.

Please do us all a favor by taking your car out to a big, empty parking lot tonight. Do some doughnuts. Slide around. Get a feel for what it’s like to drive in snow.

Then quit driving like idiots.

I’m happy to give lessons in this, anything to help out the situation.


Someone who doesn’t think 4 inches of snow is a sign of the apocalypse

PS – As much as it might feel like it is helping, screaming does not, in fact, improve the situation.

9 thoughts on “Dear People Who have Apparently Never seen Snow:

  1. Ugh… thank you. I despise seeing people in the wintertime wearing flipflops.

    then they have the stupidity to complain that their feet get col easy.

    Well no shit.

  2. ug boots make me go UGH. why can’t everyone wear the hot boots like the ones we have? then they would look even hotter on us (if thats possible).


  3. Sincerely,
    Someone who doesn’t think 4 inches of snow is a sign of the apocalypse

    haha, I agree…. over here in King they freak out if we have barely 2 inches and we get out of school

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