Dirty Whore Laboratory

Libby and I have officially named the new apartment the Dirty Whore Laboratory. Libby came up with the fantastic motto of We build ’em, You bone ’em.

Thanks to Shayrn, Molly, Paul, Chris, Petra, and of course Libby for helping me move in. I hope the tofu stirfry and wine was sufficiant as some small sign of my gratitude.

We’ll have a house warming at some point, I’m sure. And we will eat and drink like Kings. And Queens. And Small Furry Creatures from Alpha Centuri.

And speaking of hanging out, we need to attend the following events:

  • Tuesday – Half Price Wine at Truffles
  • Wednesday – Half Price Wine at the Crazy Horse
  • Thursday – Half Price Martinis at the Bake House
  • Saturday – Axis of Evil

Speaking of Saturday…

I want you to come to Axis of Evil

We are thinking of having a themed night. I will (hopefully) be talking to the manager of Axis tomorrow about this.

So I need to know some things from you all:

  • What night is good? I hope Saturday ok, because I think that’s what we can get.
  • Will you come?
  • Will you bring your friends?
  • Can you spin? If not, can you supply music?

Tutto Bene a possibility Monday night, if you all want to meet the brother figure. This is tentative.
I’ll be in Logansport from Friday to Monday.

34 thoughts on “Dirty Whore Laboratory

  1. Re: Axis of Evil – I can do Saturdays – just not this Saturday. Massive Solstice Party at ‘s place full of dancing, drumming and drunken revels.

    Any time in January I will come, I will dress and I will bring people. 😀

  2. Hahaha. I’m glad you posted that graphic, ’cause if you didn’t I was going to. So, good.

    As for the questions:
    1)Saturday is great.
    2)Ya damn right I’ll come!
    3)I don’t have any friends. *sobs* Yeah, I’ll bring the posse.
    4)I can pretend I know their equipment and rock the house. I have a crapload of music as you may have gathered.


  3. 1: Many Saturdays are good…especially if anyone wants to play taxi for me (which is not quite the same as playing Misty for me). This Saturday, particularly, might not be so great, though, what with ‘s party eating most of our potential crowd.
    2: I’d love to!
    3: I will contact people I know outside of Bton, as everyone I know here will have read this already.
    4: I don’t spin, but I do have the capacity to mix music for those who do, should it become important to do so. I also do alright on a mixing console.

    • It is a CD thing, and the manager said he could do a quick training on it.

      Sorry about the “spin” thing… it’s just how I think of it.

      • Audio sculpting.

        Ah, no. I meant I can help people with CD burnination and assembly, via audio editing software, should one wish a customized version of any particular track.
        With a mixing console, I make the sounds others give me very loud. I generally leave the source audio in the hands of musicians and DJs. I’ve not much experience in the realm of spinning.

  4. Your picture should totally go on our Axis of Evil flyers! 😀

    So yeah, I can be there any Saturday after the first week of January. And you know I’ll help plan and stuff!

    Come to Scholar’s Inn this Thursday night, 9 pm… the martinis are entertaining, the people are cheap, uh, oops, think I got that mixed up… 😉

    • I will quite possibly be there! I have dinner with someone at 7, but may bring them along as well. yes.

      I think I prefer your combination of entertaining martinis and cheap people.

  5. Willow you silly thing… if you need a dj, call me. of course i can spin, especially if it’s just with a silly cd transfer setup.

      • well, if it’s okay with libby who’s never met the asshole that is me i’d have no problem with it. let me know when so i can make it down for sure.

  6. I’m game for Saturday nights.

    I will bring who I can, and I can burn a shit ton of CDs.

  7. i wish i lived closer to bloooooooomington.. that way i could do all this neat stuff. although i may be able to fit ye in on a saturday. i may even bring “the boy”.

    ps. this is for you, for icon purposes or whatever. remember that day this picture was taken. it involves me driving a jeep with you and a courtney in the backseat.. or something. 🙂

  8. I would be for it. Saturdays in general, or specific Saturdays? I know this Saturday I close, and various other Saturdays as well, likely. How late does this sort of wackiness go on?

    I was wondering just the other day why we didn’t have any themed evenings of this sort here in our fine metropolis. Certainly there are enough people who would be interested.

    Plague-Rat would come, for sure and certain.


      • Sorry, I thought I had introduced myself. I’m ‘s housemate… I don’t think we’ve met though. I wanted to go out to Axis the last time you and she went, but it just wasn’t in the cards.

        Is your idea to plan and host a goth/industrial night at Axis? If so, I’d be behind that.

        • That is, indeed, the hope. We’ll see how it goes.

          If it does play out, can I bribe you with a drink or two to flyer/tell people/whore out the night in general?

        • Yes indeed. And I can do one better. I do a little bit of graphic design (nothing professional, just for my own entertainment really)… I’d love to help design some flyers.

          My email address is on my userinfo. Email me and we can talk some more.

        • Your e-mail is friends-only view. I have added you, but you can also e-mail me at willow dot brugh at gmail in the meantime.

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