
So some Whitechapel kids are in town for Emerald City ComiCon. Z, Ted C, Ted B, Roo, and her friend Josh are all here, with a Chris Sick on the way. They, Baron, and myself traipsed about the city last night, had dinner at Serious Pie, hit up the SciFi museum, and then found Starfish Studios to visit with friends and look at pretty, pretty things. On the way there they were shown Seattle Metro in all its glory… including two very drunk men who commented on Z’s hard exterior and my hair. I’m such a good hostess, showing all aspects of the city. I even showed them what I term the “Bacon Building.” I will show it to you, for no description will do it justice.
Tonight I’m cooking dinner for everyone and then we’re hitting Six Arms. Then Saturday is COMICS (yeeeee!) and signing and stinky geeks and panels and such.

It’s so neat to meet people who I’ve known online for a… year and more now. I got some of my best friends on the Internet. So cheers to you, amalgamation of tubes. You’re the best.

we futurists have Gypsy Mansions, too

Yesterday after work drove down to Portland to see The Ghosts Project with Petra. It was such an amazing time that it was completely worth the trip – despite getting turned around in Tacoma, a horrifically expensive speeding ticket (he was in a Mustang, what?), and getting so lost on the way to drop P off that I just drove straight home – arriving at 7a this morning. I am not young enough to pull that sort of thing off any more. Today my body is wrecked, but I learned my lesson AND saw some awesome people (and heard amazing music).

This was my last time using my car, as it has also been sold. After I get the parking tickets and speeding ticket I’ve received since getting here I should be well on my way to stability and adulthood. I think I’m already there, but loose ends drive me nuts.

Comicon is tomorrow and Sunday, though I’m just attending tomorrow. Will be going to lunch at The Wild Ginger at 12:30, any and all are welcome to join me. Please do say hello regardless. (Awesome points: David Malaki from Wondermark! is going to be there.)