You know, I only ever saw that movie once. I tend to think more of Shock Treatment, and anyone who does not love that movie is a fool. However, I was 14 when I saw Rocky, and thus do not recall it well. I have long suspected that the co-occurrence of Richard O’Brien and Tim Curry in the same film would make for more happiness than I derived from matters the first time, during which I was getting the flu.
Seriously. It’s the voice, and the demeanor. And the Narrow. I’ve yelled it at him across crowded rooms on multiple occasions. And you should watch Shock Treatment too. Yes.
? ? ?
i totally don’t look like mr. “greetings and salutations”
Yes, it’s that damned smirk. And sometimes the swish of the hair.
Yeps. I knew it. There will be a photoshoot…but that skirt is not even cute. I refuse to replicate it.
Yes. The top one. Very.
Quoth my roommate: “So what? Is he asian now?”
Gackt what?
gackt huh?
I still believe that somewhere deep within Corey is secretly Richard O’Brien.
Re: Counterpoint
Christ, now I’m all hot and bothered. Thanks for that, V.
(speaking of, when ARE we gonna have a Rocky party? I think one is needed.)
Re: Counterpoint
You know, I only ever saw that movie once. I tend to think more of Shock Treatment, and anyone who does not love that movie is a fool. However, I was 14 when I saw Rocky, and thus do not recall it well. I have long suspected that the co-occurrence of Richard O’Brien and Tim Curry in the same film would make for more happiness than I derived from matters the first time, during which I was getting the flu.
Seriously. It’s the voice, and the demeanor. And the Narrow. I’ve yelled it at him across crowded rooms on multiple occasions. And you should watch Shock Treatment too. Yes.
Re: Counterpoint
i’m honored
Too. Fucking. Adorable.
thank you
i was refering to alan.
ah, sorry. hi my name is corey [i.e. guy that supposedly looks like alan].
hehe, i’m only teasing. hi corey, i met you and willow at the neil signing.
….or clay aiken?
Re: ….or clay aiken?
sorry that image is ginormous.
i think i might have nightmares now.
Re: ….or clay aiken?
The t-shirt yes.
Corey has much better hair.
I never really warmed up to the idea of Caly Aiken, don’t know much about him.
Feeling really warm bout Corey.
“Oh! hey, Corey, I, I didn’t see you reading this, heh heh.”
Re: ….or clay aiken?
Re: ….or clay aiken?
You two are so hot.
Re: ….or clay aiken?
Holy crap.
Haha, I’ve always thought Corey smacked of Clay.
Re: ….or clay aiken?
yeah clay. me in highchool, totally looked like clay.
I looked up gackt under yahoo images. I dont see the appeal. What does he do?
He’s a J-Rocker.
I don’t know much else. never really got into him myself.
Unfortunately I don’t have anything to compare it to.
I’ll take 3, please.
Though the pictures I’ve seen from ‘Titus’ look uncannily like Corey, it is this pic from ‘Reefer Madness’ that really takes the cake.
Eat the brownie, Chis. Eat it.
You eat the brownie… I ain’t got nothin’ on the brownie.
oh my that is uncanny!