Phone fucked up. Using different one now.
Please e-mail me your number(s) if you want me to have it (/them). Even if I call you decently often (that’s like once a month for me), send it to me anyway. I have no idea, and am lost.
I was called a “little legend” today.
Currently trying out strictly scheduling my time. I’m sorry if I seem scarce in the upcoming weeks, but I need to put my mind to school, and force myself to stick to it. I’ll be posting about regularly scheduled events here soon (such as Balderdash once every two weeks).
Not sure on your email addy, but if you hit my journal, my number is in the 3rd or 4th post from the top.
got it, will call you tomorrow re: returning the movie.
so wait, why a “little legend’?
I showed her how to use IUWare to connect to the printers from a laptop. Nothing phenomenal, really. But she was British and cute, if that helps.
well isn’t that just outright adorable.