me me meme

The thing with the stuff.

Take a picture of yourself right now.
don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair…just take a picture.
post that picture with NO these instructions with your picture.

Yup, this is me thrilled with another wig-cladden day.

..and I just realized I didn’t do my eyebrows or change glasses. Some superhero I am.

17 thoughts on “me me meme

    • [This] + [just watched the Covenant video for Bullet] = [army of Willow drones in my head].

      …in all fairness, I would totally let them assimilate me.
      /ditto Alice Krieg
      //but double ditto Tilda Swinton

  1. I blame low blood suger for the following comment.

    The wig is absolutely darling.

    In some bizarre alternate reality I’d totally offer to collide faces with you over the darlingness of that wig.

    Sadly we live in a world capable of building large hadron colliders while face-collision technology is lacking.

    C’est la vie.

  2. I blame low blood suger for the following comment.

    The wig is absolutely darling.

    In some bizarre alternate reality I’d totally offer to collide faces with you over the darlingness of that wig.

    Sadly we live in a world capable of building large hadron colliders while face-collision technology is lacking.

    C’est la vie.

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