I have so many thoughts on this going:
*Shoes. I just creamed myself.
*Who got in my head?
*$300 shoes– let’s get them. I was guilty of that last week.
*This video is my heaven Electroclash & shoes.
what is so weird is that Mina and Kristin were talking about this video all day friday. They also introduced me to the live-action Honey Peach show which was also awesome.
Who do I have to fuck to be in that video?
LMAO! Sweet…
that was seriously the best thing i’ve seen in such a long time.
love it love it love it.
I have so many thoughts on this going:
*Shoes. I just creamed myself.
*Who got in my head?
*$300 shoes– let’s get them. I was guilty of that last week.
*This video is my heaven Electroclash & shoes.
holy crap that was soooo funny. Charlie and i can’t stop watching it.
I bought charlie shoes yesturday too, so it made it even more funnier lol.
what is so weird is that Mina and Kristin were talking about this video all day friday. They also introduced me to the live-action Honey Peach show which was also awesome.
im sorry but i have to say: alarmingly derivative of the work of Bruce McCulloch.