So apparently the bees are disappearing. Collony Collapse Disorder. Though it’s not cell phones and Einstein never said that thing about our demise if the bees disappeared.
This is hilarious.
It’s a palendrome sort of day. I’m not even quite sure what that means.
It means the day will end as it began.
Remind me to dress/dance like that the next time we go to the Merc.
I’m so in.
Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
Rats live on no evil star.
Neil, a trap – Sid is part alien!
I’ve heard that “A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama” was the newspaper headline for the story about the dude who proposed the Panama Canal.
for some reason I was hoping it was a intro to a pron… I need more sleep.
I… wha?
That may be the funniest/most awesome thing I’ve seen yet this week!
OH MY HELL! I totally dance like that first bee!