Show me your scars

I had a great time the other day – a friend loaned me his SV so I could go for a ride. I excitedly grabbed my jacket – the same one I had cut off of me on November 1st, and stitched the sleeve back up. And I noticed that my scar showed through the zipper area. That got me to thinking. How many people retain the clothes they were violently injured in? Can you see your scars through them? I want to see. The amazing Libby Bulloff has offered to help me out with this (ie, I have no artistic talent but she has loads). I’d interview the models about how they got the scar, why they kept the clothing it occurred in, and how it has affected their everyday life. Hit me up at willowbl00 at gmail and include “show me your scars” in the subject line. And please do pass it on. Obviously preferred if folk are in Seattle. If there are enough interested parties, we’ll put on an art show.

5 thoughts on “Show me your scars

  1. Hi ladies,

    Sarah Crowe, Lindsey Watkins friend here. I have a large patch of scars on my left arm where my body went through the driver side window of an old truck. I still own the dress I was in the accident in about 15 years ago at this point. I had I stitched up to be wearable too. I would love to participate!

    I am guessing I will see you both at Willow’s house warming party Friday!

  2. I’m impressed & fascinated by this idea – I know some people here in Portland who have kept the clothing they were injured in and who might be interested in coming up to Seattle to participate in this project. I’ll make some mentions.

  3. I still have the scar from when i was attacked in October and cut on the face with a knife. Long story, and according to the police, bystanders to a crime are rarely injured. I did help in getting this repeat violent offender sent to prison for 7 years, which will be his longest sentence to date. I still have the blood splattered sports bra i was wearing that evening, as this occurred when i was out running. I am in Cleveland, and cannot be at this event, but if i can possibly get a photo of myself in the bra with my scar showing, perhaps you would like to see it?

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